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You're viewing Pictionary Cheat Codes

Game Name : Pictionary
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2002-07-09 21:59:39
Views : 23394

Hint :
Hint: Play in the bathroom:
When the game is played in the living room, a restroom door will be visible off to the left. Click on the restroom door during game play. The next round will be played in the bathroom.

Hint: Non-stop "Pick or Take":
When you get to the final level on Pictionary, "Pick or Take", there is a way to make the pictures and the words go faster (non-stop). There are some light bulbs overhead on the picture screen. Click one, and if it shrinks in or out, the pictures and words will go much faster or smoother. To disable this effect, click the light bulb that was clicked earlier.

Hint: Movement:
In every room there is something that moves.

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